Interlibrary loan
If you are a DAML Library Card holder and the Library does not have materials that you want, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) resources can search for the title state-wide.
Requests may be placed at the library, by phone or online by using the online system here. Patrons in good standing may have three active requests at one time.
Loans from other libraries typically take 2-3 weeks to receive but can take longer for hard to find or popular items. An item cannot be requested from another library until it is six months old. If you are trying to obtain a new item please do so from your library account using "Purchase Suggestions".
We encourage patrons to use their HomeCard to retrieve items from other HomeCard libraries when possible. This is the fastest method to getting an item. It does require that the item be picked up from and returned to the lending library.
The loan period for an item is set by the lending library and will vary. Typically we only check out the item for two weeks. If a longer loan period is needed please call us to request a renewal 3-4 days before the item is due. Renewals are ultimately up to the lending library.
Our library is responsible for the safety of materials borrowed from other libraries and our privilege of borrowing from them is jeopardized if anything is lost. We may suspend Interlibrary Loan borrowing privileges of any patron who does not return the ILL materials we have obtained for them.
Interlibrary loan is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Vermont State Library
Library Hours
Monday: 10-8
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-8
Thursday: 10-6
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: 10-3
(Jul-Aug Sat: 10-1)
Sunday: Closed
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