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Home Delivery
Home delivery is available for Williston and St. George patrons who may have difficulty getting to the library. Whether the need is short-term or indefinite, we’ll deliver books, movies and other materials, free of charge.
Outreach Services
The library supports lifelong learning for patrons at all ages and stages of life, and Outreach Services allow us to meet people wherever they are. For more information about any of these services, or if you know someone who might need to connect, please call at 802-878-4918 or
Senior Community Visits
A librarian makes monthly visits to senior housing communities in Williston, where residents are invited to browse and check out items from a small, pop-up library set up in a common meeting area.
Dottie the Bookmobile runs year-round, with materials for all ages. In the summer, the bookmobile visits neighborhoods and community venues. During the school year, Dottie makes monthly visits to childcare centers in Williston.
Preschool Books to Go
Childcare providers located within St. George and Williston who care for children ages 5 and under may request library materials for pickup or delivery.
Library Hours
Monday: 10-8
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-8
Thursday: 10-6
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: 10-3
(Jul-Aug Sat: 10-1)
Sunday: Closed
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