Library Behavior
These rules apply to all patrons of the library regardless of age.
1. Show mutual respect for everyone in the library.
2. Allow others to use the library in peace. Loud, boisterous behavior is not acceptable.
3. Treat library materials and property with care.
4. Neither the library nor its staff is responsible for patrons’ personal belongings left unattended.
5. Patrons having oversized bags may be asked to check these bags in a staff allocated space upon entering the library.
6. Cell phone calls are limited to the front lobby, the entry vestibule and in the Family area if it is not disturbing others.
7. Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes, must be worn at all times.
8. Eating and drinking is limited to the designated areas. Smoking, alcohol and the use of illegal drugs are prohibited.
9. No animals are allowed, except service animals or animals brought in by the library for specific programs.
10. Disruptive behavior and use of skateboards, rollerblades and bicycles in the courtyard, on the front steps or in the library building are prohibited.
11. Possession and/or threat of use of any dangerous weapon or facsimile of any dangerous weapon is prohibited in the library building and grounds. This includes, but is not limited to, any gun, projectile firing weapon or device, knife, dagger, switchblade or folding knife with a blade in excess of four inches.
12. Violations of rules for library behavior could result in the patron(s) being asked to leave, police being called, and/or patron being barred from the library.
Library Hours
Monday: 10-8
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-8
Thursday: 10-6
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: 10-3
(Jul-Aug Sat: 10-1)
Sunday: Closed
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