Rules For Technology Use
1. Introduction
a. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library works in accordance with the First Amendment to the Constitution and the American Library Association (ALA) approved document Access to Digital Information, Resources and Services: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights. This states that it is the Library’s ethical responsibility under the Constitution to provide access to information in all formats to all people, including Internet access.
b. The Library supports and adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom. Electronic resources, including the computer and the Internet, are reference tools that supplement the library’s collections.
c. The Internet is an ever-changing and unregulated medium. The Library does not monitor or have control over information accessed on the Internet. For this reason, the library requires patrons to abide by the rules and policies approved by the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Board of Trustees.
2. Rights of Patrons Using the Internet
a. The Library respects the rights and confidentiality of its patrons. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library does not require membership or identification to use the library computers but requires all patrons to agree to observe the “Rules for Technology Use” when logging into Library computers. To ensure our patrons’ privacy, computer log-ins are randomly generated personal identification numbers (PINS).
b. Users must comply with U. S. copyright law and all other applicable local regulations, and state and federal laws governing information access. Use of the Internet for activities that violate or encourage others to violate local, state or federal laws is prohibited. This includes activities such as viewing child pornography, committing fraud, spreading libel or slander and cyberbullying. Other uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following:
(1) Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property.
(2) Uses that jeopardize the security of access of the computer network or other networks on the Internet.
(3) Uses that compromise the safety and security of minors when using e-mail, social media and other forms of direct electronic communications.
c. Use of the Internet cannot be considered secure; therefore members should consider their Internet activity as public information and limit their activities accordingly.
3. Children and the Internet
a. All patrons of the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, regardless of age, have equal access to the materials, information and technology provided by the Library.
b. It is the responsibility of parents and/or legal guardians to determine what their minor children, and only their children, may use or access.
c. Minors are defined in this policy as children and young people under the age of sixteen years.
d. The library staff is not in a position to enforce parental restrictions within the library. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their children’s use of the Internet and the Library’s electronic collections.
4. General Use
a. Patrons must leave the computers and software as they found them.
b. Computers and printers will be turned on and off by library staff only.
c. Computer or printer problems must be reported to library staff immediately.
d. Patrons may reserve time on the computers for the current day only.
e. Time limits for public use computers may be set to allow more equitable access to the general public. When setting standard time limits, the Director and the Information Technology Librarian, will take into consideration usage statistics, available technology, known public needs and known user habits. Standard time limits may be temporarily extended at the request of the public and at the discretion of staff after consideration of the above conditions.
5. Software
a. The Library cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of data
incurred while using library technology.
b. Users may utilize only those programs and services installed on each computer.
c. Any application used must be properly exited upon completion.
d. Users may not illegally copy or download any data.
e. Users may not alter any settings, delete or modify any files on library
6. Disclaimers
a. While the Library endeavors to provide access to information of the highest quality, the Library specifically disclaims any warrant as to the information’s accuracy, timeliness, authoritativeness, usefulness or fitness for a particular purpose.
b. The Library will have no liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages related to the use or information access through the Library’s Internet service.
7. Charges
a. Any damage to computers or their peripherals by any patron will be charged to that person. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the charges of patrons under age sixteen.
b. The first three pages printed in black and white are free; there is a charge per page after that. There is a charge per page for color printing. Printing charges are reviewed and set by the Library Director.
8. Sanctions
Users who contravene these rules, or any other rules of the library, may have their library privileges revoked. Appeals may be made to the Board of Trustees.
Library Hours
Monday: 10-8
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-8
Thursday: 10-6
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: 10-3
(Jul-Aug Sat: 10-1)
Sunday: Closed
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