Building Use
Please review the Building Use and Videoconference Policy before completing the Library Room Use Form below.
Building Use Policy
1. The library meeting rooms are open to all Williston or St. George based community groups or non-profit organizations for meetings, community forums and discussion groups free of charge, on a first-come, first-served basis, dependent upon the room’s availability subject to the following conditions.
- Programs and events scheduled by the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library take precedence in videoconference equipment and community room availability.
- Access to the rooms is granted subject to compliance with Library policies and local, state and federal laws.
- Due to the fragility of the collections, access to the Vermont Room may be restricted as needed. All youths under 16 years shall be accompanied by an adult when visiting the Vermont Room.
- A Library use form shall be filled out and filed with the Library Director no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting time. On this form, the organization and a named Williston or St. George resident shall assume all liability for any damages which may occur. The individual booking the room may be asked for identification.
- If the event may reasonably be expected to attract more than 25 people, or at the Library Director's discretion, the Library may request proof of liability insurance no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting time. The organization sponsoring the event may be asked to provide a private security officer for the event at the discretion of the Board.
- No admission shall be charged. All advertising or publicity for the meeting shall include the statement set forth in paragraph 6 below.
- Facilities must be cleaned up and left in the same condition they were in before use. If applicable, the doors shall be locked, the lights turned out and the key returned promptly. If the key is lost all costs of rekeying the doors will be passed on to whoever signed for the key.
- With permission, groups using the Library may serve refreshments in designated areas, but no alcoholic beverages may be consumed on library property.
- There will be no smoking in the Library at any time.\. Incense, candles and other open flame are not allowed in the library.
2. Nonresidents or organizations based outside of Williston or St. George may use the Library for group meetings if (a) at least 25% of the group’s members are residents of Williston or St. George (b) the organization’s service area includes Williston or St. George.
3. Businesses may use the Library’s space if they meet the conditions outlined in this section and are presenting an educational program which has been approved by the Director and they will not directly profit from the event or they are using the videoconferencing equipment provided by grant through the Vermont Department of Libraries.
4. DAML staff will assist videoconference users with technical support and supporting audiovisual equipment during regular library hours. Staff will advise users of the most suitable way in which to conduct their videoconference and may serve as technical liaison with videoconference distributors to assure compatibility with videoconference equipment. The videoconferencing is internet based. If browser plugin software is required which is different from the ones already installed on the DAML laptop, it must be approved and can only be installed by DAML staff at least one week in advance. Users may use their own computer if they already have videoconferencing accounts (e.g. Google Meet, Zoom, etc.).
5. Videoconferencing users must agree that DAML shall not be liable for failure to perform any of its duties under the teleconferencing agreement for reasons beyond its control, including but not limited to: (a) inability to acquire or transmit, and/or record network signals and (b) any shortage, unavailability or disruption in electrical, telephone, or other utility service. Users must agree to hold DAML and its staff harmless from liability for any claim by any third party ensuing out of the performance by users or DAML of the terms of videoconference agreements. Claims covered by the aforementioned indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, claims by third parties of defamation or of violations of property rights, copyrights, or rights of privacy arising out of publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, performance, uses or disposition of the taped program co-produced by the parties under the agreement.
6. The use of the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library in no way constitutes endorsement by the Library or the Town of Williston of the policies or beliefs of the organization using the building.
7. These policies may be waived at the discretion of the Library Board or Director.
Library Hours
Monday: 10-8
Tuesday: 10-6
Wednesday: 10-8
Thursday: 10-6
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: 10-3
(Jul-Aug Sat: 10-1)
Sunday: Closed
Copyright Ⓒ 2025 Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. All rights reserved.
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